Past Indefinite & Past Continuous Tenses

Test No. 6

Past Indefinite and Past Continuous Tenses

Q. 1 Choose the correct form of the Verb.    (10)

1. She was ________ her homework last night.

a. doing

b. did         

c. does

d. done  

2. Were you ________ your parents in childhood? 

a. serving

b. serves      

c. serves.         

d. served 

3. She did not ________ her time yesterday. 

a. do              

b. are doing     

c. done

d. do

4.  She was _______ this question by heart.

a. learning

b. learnt          

c. learns.       

d. learn

5. Did you _____ your friends yesterday?

a. help.           

b. helps       

c. helped       

d. to help 

6. We were ______  for the guest when the light went out.

a. waits

b. waited        

c. waiting

d. to wait like 

7. Where did you ______  in London last year?

a. to live

b. lived       

c. living

d. live

8. He was _______  all Mathematics sums.

a. study

b. studies       

c. studied

d. studying

9. We were ______  T.V last night when the bell rang.

a. watches          

b. to watch         

c. watching

d. watched 

10. They did not _____  their relatives to the party.

a. to invite

b. inviting         

c. help

d. helps


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