Test No 1- Correct use of Preposition for all Classes - Intermediate English


Test No. 1

Q. 1 Choose the correct Preposition to fill in the blanks.   (10)

1. He is addicted   ________ smoking. 

a. for     b. at      c. to     d. of

2. He is very much observed  ________ his study. 

a. for     b. at      c. to     d. in

3.   She is affectionate  ________ her daughters.

a. for     b. at      c. towards    d. of

4.  We have already learnt the poem _____ heart.

a. by     b. at      c. to     d. of

5. He is not afraid _____ cockroaches.

a. for     b. at      c. to     d. of 

6. I am very fond ______  book reading. 

a. for     b. of      c. to     d. at 

7. He is always accurate  ______  his judgement.

a. for     b. at      c. in      d. of

8. I have great love  _______  my mother. 

a. for     b. at      c. to     d. of

9. We made an attack _______ our enemies.

a. for     b. at      c. on     d. of

10. We registered a sue  _____ the party. 

a. for     b. at      c. to     d. on

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Answers to the Test No. 1

Online Test for Prepositions

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