Test No 1- Correct use of verb for all Classes - Matric & Intermediate English

Test No. 1

Q. 1 Choose the correct form of the Verb.    (10)

1. He always ________ his elders. 

a. respect     b. respecting     c. respects.    d. respectful

2. He never  ________ his parents. 

a. disobey     b. disobeying     c. disobeys.    d. to disobey

3. They  ________ their homework now 

a. do      b. are doing     c. done    d. do

4.  We have already  ________ this poem by heart.

a. learning    b. learnt      c. learns.    d. learn

5. Does your friend _____ you always ?

a. help.           b. helps       c. helped       d. to help 

6. I don't ______  his attitude. 

a. likes.            b. liked.        c. liking.        d. like 

7. Where do you ______  in the town?

a. live            b. lived       c. living        d. to live

8. I have been _______  since morning.

a. study                b. studies       

c. studied            d. studying

9. We are trying to _______ the issue.

a. understood            b. understands       

c. understanding       d. understand

10. God helps those who _____  themselves.

a. to help            b. helping        c. help        d. helps

Click here for the Related topics:

Answers to Test No.1

Online Test of Verb Corrections

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Correct Use of Verb Test No 2


  1. 1.respect
    3.are doing


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