Monthly Model Paper -English Part 1(October 2021)- BISE Gujranwala


MONTHLY TEST ENG-P II (October 2021)

Total Marks: 40                     

Time Allowed:  1:20 MINUTE

(Mr Chips 1-6, Idioms 1-50, Essays 1-3)




    Roll #:              


Q#1 Choose the right Preposition & synonyms of the following underlined words. (05)

    1.   He was absorbed _____ her studies.

        a.   for

    b.   in

    c.    with

    d.   to

    2.   Everybody is ambitious _________ success.

        a.   at

    b.   in

    c.    for

    d.   with

    3.   She is brooding ______ her failure.

        a.   to

    b.   over

    c.    for

    d.   with  

    4.   Chips was not conceited.

    a.   thorough

    b.   lazy

    c.    boastful

    d.   humble

    5.   Not scared, mind you, but just, for once in a thorough mood.

a.     stubborn

b.   keen

     c.    afraid

d.   rowdy


Q#2 Answer (any 6) questions of the following:                               (12)

             i.        What did Mr. Wetherby advise Mr. Chips on the day of his interview?

           ii.        What kind of person did Brookfield produce?

          iii.        What did Mr. Chips remember about his preliminary interview at Brookfield? 

          iv.        Why was 1870 easy to remember for Mr. Chips?

            v.        Compare and contrast Chips’s views with those of Katherine?

          vi.        What is the most interesting incident of the novel?

        vii.        Why did Chips often depreciate himself?

Questions Answers of Goodbye Mr Chips

Q#3 Write an essay on any ONE of the following:                       (15)

1. My Hobby      

2. Life in a Big City

Q#4 Make sentences of any 4 Idioms:                                        (08)

a dark horse, all in all, above board, a hard nut to crack, to add fuel to fire, all and sundry, a bone of contention


Click here for the Related Topics:

Solved Monthly Test No 1 (October 2021) P2

Use of Few & Little

Online Test for MCQs- Goodbye Mr Chips

Questions Answers of Goodbye Mr Chips



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