Science and Society (with an outline)

Science and Society



i.             Since the dawn of life-Man in the service of mankind

ii.           Every day man sees new inventions, which are not less than any miracle

iii.          Science has shorted the distance. The world has become a global village

iv.          Scientific inventions have made our life easier than before.

v.            Advancement in the field of agriculture & medicine

vi.          Conclusion: benefits of scientific methods. 

“Science surpassed the old miracles of mythology.’

Says Emerson

Since the dawn of life, man has been hankering after all the comforts and luxuries of life. There spreads a long series of multi-dimensional fields of knowledge from the murky depth of the ocean to the vast universe. Man, with his great power of wisdom and intellect, has been keen to explore stunning discoveries and invent useful technologies. It has been a great service to mankind, which will be honoured and commended forever and ever.

“To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace (threat) to society.” Theodore Roosevelt.

The progress today is all because of scientific inventions. Science has brought a great revolution in all the societies of the world. It has brought changes in all fields of our life. The impossibilities have been achieved through science. Now miracles are happening daily. Science has given us power and self-confidence to man. It is because of science that today man is the master of all around him. Science is a friend of man and it has done and is doing much in the service of humanity.

Science never solves a problem without creating ten more.

George Bernard Shaw

Science has shortened distances. In the past, journeys and travels took much time. People departed from their relatives and friends with heavy hearts. Now those days are gone. We can traverse long distances in just a few hours. The fast-moving trains and aeroplanes are there to help us. Telephone, telegraph and internet flash the news across the world in twinkling of an eye. Sitting beside your radio, you can enjoy a match, being played thousands of miles away.

Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and improve human life. Nathan Deal

On television, we cannot only hear the speaker but also see his picture. The bonds of friendship and love between the people of different countries have been strengthened. Science has brought on society to another and this is a good service. The world has become a global village.

A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent unless found guilty.” Edward Teller

In the past, life was drudgery. There were no amusements. The people worked, ate and slept. Conditions of life were hard. Now the radio amuses us, and the cinema entertains us. Electricity is our maidservant. She does every impossible and difficult job for us. It moves the fans, heats the rooms, illuminates the cities, and presses our clothes and small gadgets work for us. There are calculating machines, computers are present to lessen our burden, and save our lives.

In short, life has been made easy to live in this modern era and now it is not a bed of thorns as it used to be considered in the past.

It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature. Albert Einstein


The disease was a monster in the past. Now medical science has helped us fight against the most deadly diseases like cancer and tuberculosis. Death rate has been reduced. Now the dead can be brought to life up to some extent.

Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems. Rene Descartes

Lungs can be replaced and heart can be operated upon. Surgery has worked wonders now heart transplant is common. Grafting can replace useless or ugly parts of our bodies. Hunger and famine struck the people in the past. Now the famines break out very rarely. Progress and research in the field of agriculture have increased production. Fertilizers never allow the soil to go barren. Swift means of communication and transportation have made it easy to carry grains from one place to another. It has helped to reduce poverty in the world.

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. Adam Smith


In short, we see that science has brought comfort and pleasure for all mankind. It has reduced human misery. It is right to call a friend of mankind. Modern society is getting the best advantages of scientific researches and methods all over the world today.

 “The ability to perceive or think differently is more important

than the knowledge gained.”         David Bohm


Essay on An Ideal Character


  1. It's Amazing, informative, and helpful for me and also every student.Thank you so much Sir.

  2. It's Amazing, informative, and helpful for me and also every student.Thank you so much Sir.

  3. It's amazing, informative and helpful for me and also every student .Thank you so much Sir.

  4. It's amazing, informative and helpful for me and also every student .Thank you so much Sir.

  5. It's impressive ,helpful and informative for every student. Thank you so much Sir.


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