Present Perfect & Past Indefinite Tenses

Test No. 4

Present Perfect and Past Indefinite Tense

Q. 1 Choose the correct form of the Verb.    (10)

1. She has never ________ hard work in the exams.  

a. do               b. did         

c. does            d. done  

2. Did you ________ your parents in childhood? 

a. disobeys     b. disobeying     

c. disobeys.    d. disobey

3. They did not ________ their time. 

a. do              b. are doing     

c. done          d. do

4.  She has already  _______ this question by heart.

a. learning     b. learnt          

c. learns.       d. learn

5. Did you _____ your friends yesterday?

a. help.           b. helps       

c. helped       d. to help 

6. We didn't ______  his attitude last night. 

a. likes.             b. liked.        

c. liking.            d. like 

7. Where did you ______  in London last year?

a. to live            b. lived       

c. living            d. live

8. I have _______  all Mathematics sums.

a. study                b. studies       

c. studied            d. studying

9. We ______  T.V last night.

a. watches to         b. watch         

c. watching             d. watched  

10. They did not _____  their relatives.

a. to help            b. helping        

c. help                d. helps

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