Essays with outlines for Intermediate classes -LEWM

1. Life in a Big City


“Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man may go together.” John Ruskin

Since the dawn of life, man has been yearning after all the comforts and luxuries of life. There spreads a long series of multi-dimensional fields of knowledge from the murky depth of the ocean to beyond the vast universe. Man, with his great power of wisdom and intellect, has been keen to explore stunning discoveries. He has invented useful technologies for the service of mankind. It will be honoured and commended forever and ever.

“Service to mankind is a great virtue of life.”

Since time immemorial little settlements grew on the banks of rivers and near fertile lands. People settled there due to the easy availability of the necessities of life. They had a very limited life and resources. They continued pouring in and those tiny settlements kept on burgeoning till they became bigger and bigger. Now they are great cities and metropolises. They have all the modern facilities of life in abundance. The people prefer to live in the cities now.

Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both and you won’t hunt for happiness.

Life in these big cities is quite easy as well as restless. (anxious) It is fast and progressing day by day. There are many points on which it seems advantageous and from many points, it looks disadvantageous (faulty).

The advantages of city life are manifold (innumerable). First of all, all necessities of life are easily available at hand. Cities are hubs of (centres) education, schools, colleges and universities that are open to all. We can get the best education and modern vocational training at the cheapest rate. There is no paucity (scarcity) of good teachers and excellent institutions. The private sector is providing the best facilities for education. When educated minds meet regularly, their interaction (communication) work wonders in the field of science, literature as well humanities and social sciences. However, life and all other activities became more and more complex with the passage of time.

“Excellence of the material body consists in colour, the loveliness of form, strength and destiny.” Pant Anjali

They can take part in the day to day activities and culture as well. Educational programs produce a conducive (helpful) atmosphere for the betterment of civilization, and the progress of mankind. Therefore, it is rightly said that “Nothing is either good or bad in the world, thinking makes it so.”

 “There is no excellent beauty that has not some strangeness in the proportion.” Francis Bacon

With the modern facility of the Internet, it is making progress day by day. Health facilities are available. There are renowned (famous) doctors and well-equipped hospitals and clinics with 24-hours services. Medicines are easily available even to a layman (amateur) in the market.  Communication and transport have made life easy and comfortable. There are better opportunities for enjoyment, picnic and entertainment. Every new arrival in the market makes city life more charming and comfortable.

“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” Stephen Hawking

But there are disadvantages paralleled (corresponded) to these advantages. Life is so busy that people are left with little time for friends and relatives. With the advent of the internet and mobile phones, people have become more lethargic (lazy) and passive.

“Life is a dream for the wise, a game for a fool, a comedy for a rich, a tragedy for a poor.”

Excessive use of modern machinery has brought a lot of noise and air pollution. There are no fresh things available. Rush and impurities (pollutants) have marred (broken) the very essence of the enjoyments of life. There is no time for people to enjoy. Life is uncertain, lonely and precarious (dangerous) in hustle and bustle ( crowded).  “Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment.” Samuel Johnson

In a nutshell life in the big city has its advantages as well disadvantages. It is up to the living soul whether he lives a life in the city or village as what is his choice natural and tough or artificial (duplicate) and easy one. Humanity is still advancing; and it will probably continue to advance for hundreds of thousands of years more, always on condition that we know how to keep the same line of advance as our ancestors towards ever-greater consciousness and complexity. Thus all

“Scientific advancements should aim to affirm and to improve human life.” Nathan Deal


2- A Visit to a Historical Place

“The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are no always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong.”

Winston Churchill

Study trips are a part of college life and routine. These are arranged off and on by the administration of schools, colleges and universities. They are organized in order to enhance the knowledge of the students. Most interesting trips are towards some historical places. It not only gives a chance to have a peep into (               ) our past history, but it also tells us the tales, which these historical buildings bear on their faces.

Last Monday our history teacher told us that we would visit a famous ancient Ruthas Fort. The objective was to get information about our past history as well some enjoyment. We were told to be prepared ourselves for a long journey and some eatables for lunch. We were to start early in the morning. So we made all these arrangements and next morning departed with our history teacher in our college bus. The journey was rather longer than previous trip. Hence students divided themselves in two groups and started singing and hurling jokes at each other. Soon we reached Dina from where we bought more eatables and some cold drinks. Though we were tired, we were with great spirit.


 “The lessons of the past are ignored and obliterated in a contemporary antagonism known as the generation gap. “ Spiro Agnew

We reached the fort after three hours. Rohtas Fort (Urdu: قلعہ روہتاس; Qila Rohtas) is a 16th-century fortress located near the city of Jehlum in the province of Punjab. The fortress was built during the reign of Sher Shah Suri. The fort was also designed to overpower the local Gakhar tribes of then Potohar region.

It was quite a vast fort with high walls and huge gates. The Rohtas Fort has 12 gates. All of them are built in ashlar stone. It is said that its walls were 100 feet high and 30 feet wide. The height of the outer wall varies between 10 and 18 metres, with a thickness that varies between 10 and 13 metres. The fortified walls have 68 bastions at irregular intervals, with 12 monumental gateways providing access to the inner fort. The ramparts follow the hilltop's contours.


 Its ruins were telling the tales of various invasions. It had many parts to visit. There was a complete village in it with high school, dispensary and a cemetery. It had three colossal gates named after their builders. We went to the North gate on Fort jeeps especially designed to travel through the fort.

“Those who do not respect history are condemned to repeat it” George Stantayana

The walls have up to 3 terraces located at different levels. Each level was connected to the other by way of a staircase. The uppermost terrace has merlon-shaped battlements from which muskets could be fired, and from which soldiers could also pour molten lead. The walls were built in sandstone laid in lime mortar mixed with bricks. The gates are in grey Ashlar masonry. Some portions have been built using burnt bricks.


There we sat on the terrace and had our lunch. We gathered the trash and threw into a waste bin. After that we played cricket for some time. The sun now began to descend and our teacher was delivering us a lecture over the history and importance of this fort. We were reflecting over the bloody fights in our minds.


“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

Karl Marx

Soon we were on our way to home. The bus was racing on the road and my mind was looking the scenes of those advancing armies and soldiers who once lost their lives in order to conquer this fort that at that time stood the onslaughts (            ) of time as well armies. Now it was given way (               ) to time. The castle was helpless like us before time.

The bus at once stopped at the college stop and I came out from my historical dreams and we went home remembering this memorable trip afterwards. It taught us a lesson that time does not forgive at all and takes its toll (         ) what may come on its way.

“There are miles to go before I sleep, miles to go.” Robert Frost

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

3-My Hobby


“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.”       John Lubbock

A hobby is an activity which is made by a person in his leisure time. It keeps ones busy and active. My hobby is gardening that I enjoy it from the core of my heart. I love Nature very much. I feel myself attached to the world of Nature is my strong passion. When the weather is extremely hot or cold then only I like to stay indoors, otherwise I love to see the great panorama of nature all-around of me.

Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein

Gardening keeps me in two worlds at the same time, the home and Nature. That is, the world of our family and its joys and problems and world of the trees, bushes, plants and flowers and their charms. When I see their different shades of colours my joy knows no bounds.

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.

Gerard De Nerval

There is quite a big garden in my house. I go there early I the morning and work on the plants for an hour or so. On holidays I work in the “greenhouse” in the evening, too. I observe the little plants, which needs special care of mine. I protect them against the severity of weather. I love all kind of plants but I have special collection of roses: pink rose, white rose, and red rose. I have more than ten kinds of colourful rose plants in my garden.

“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” Shakespeare

In the winter and spring the rose flowers in red, yellow, golden, white and other colours are simply enchanting. Whenever the guests visit our house they are stunned to see the variety of roses.

“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I also plant new trees in the rainy season. At the end of summer I plant vegetables for the winter and at the end of winter I plant vegetables for the summer. I water the plants and soften the ground near their roots. Then I also cut away the extra, useless branches of the plants. All this keeps me physically active and smart. It gives me vigour and energy.

          Gardening invites me to think and praise almighty Allah. I am wonder to see the life cycle of a seed and thankful to Him that He has given us whatever we want and need to survive. I wonder how a sepal l becomes an enormous tree. It gives strength to my faith. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Saint Augustine

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.


Truly speaking, physical work in a garden or filed gives me both physical and mental satisfaction. Both the body and the mind get strengthened in the fresh, natural atmosphere.

“The ability to perceive or think differently is more important

than the knowledge gained.”         David Bohm

It is, thus, natural that I feel stronger and happier when I move back from my small garden to everyday activities. Naturally, I understand my lessons better, move and walk at greater ease and eat the foods and fruits with thankfulness and greater desire.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be

seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.”

Helen Keller


4- Environmental Pollution

“Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we have been

ignorant of their value.” By Buck Minister Follower

Pollution means to contaminate purity. The unhealthy environment is highly unfavourable for the living objects. This problem is gradually taking a gigantic proportion and is threatening the life and safety of people in general. Pollution of various kinds i.e. water, water, noise and flood pollution etc. are causing a drastic threat to man’s existence. Our modern civilization is basically responsible for it because of the emission of CO2, sulphur oxides and hydrocarbons. And it has led to increasing pressure for restriction on burning of fossil fuels. The discharge of these air pollutants is causing serious respiratory diseases in human beings.


“Science is a beautiful gift to humanity, we should not distort it.”

By APJ Abdul Kalam


Another offshoot of industrialism, which has tarnished the quality of life, is noise pollution. The constant noise of factories operating in residential areas and confused roaring of vehicular traffic preys upon the nerves and robs the peace of citizens. Thronged motorbikes, cars, buses etc. leaving dark trails of carbon monoxides are a common sight in being cities.

          “The pollution of soil” reduces amount of land available for cultivation. The modernization of agriculture has its good points but bad pints, too. The heaps of garbage and industrial wastes are dumped underground or in rivers and seas. This causes insanitation, killing of fish and sea animals or it harms. The growth of sea animals and plants.



“Never was anything great achieved without danger.”

By Niccolo Machiavelli


          It is authentic to add that the basic aspect which is giving rise to enormous and gigantic problem is ever increasing pollution of the country. Today, we are standing almost on the threshold of population explosion. With this simultaneously aggravate. The congestion in towns, the more traffic on roads, the more the need for space resulting in deforestation, the more of dust, the more of factories, the dirtier the air.


“Pollution is the greatest crime man is committing against man”

So, who is to be blamed for this disaster? If we thing logically, we can get the answer immediately. It is “Man” himself who is responsible for pollution in the world. Our scientific and industrial progress has taken us to the Moon, it has made our own planet very difficult and dangerous to live on. It has made us selfish, materialistic, cruel  and boorish. Modern man seems to be indifferent and cold towards the good and upright of others. He is killing his future generation.


“For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind” by Eleanor Evert


Lastly, environment welfare and economic development are not exclusive to each other. But a balance has to be maintained; otherwise, we shall become richer but unhealthy and ailing. The economic growth due to the development in industry and agriculture should be undertaken, but not at the cost of human healthy. Concern or the environment is essential for the nation development of natural resources. If this balance is lost, the life of few may become prosperous but the life of many would stand devastated.


“It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man’s insecurity before himself and before nature.”  Albert Einstein

5- A National Hero/Quaid-e-Azam


“Hail, ye heroes! The heaven-born band!”

Who fought and bled for freedom’s cause”

Last year on December 25, my father related me a story which changed my perception and outlook of a hero. Previously, I was much impressed by the towering figures of glamour (                   ) and sports. However, it is not so now. My father told me how Mr. Jinnah fought to win the cause of a nation. The story of Mr. Jinnah infused me a new sprit in my life. Different libraries were my next destination and I discovered a real hero in history.

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way,

and shows the way.” Maxwell

Mr. Jinnah’s great struggle spans (            ) over forty years. He started as Jinnah and finally developed into the Quaid. His struggle can be perceived (                ) in four different but interlined dimensions (            ) i.e. uniting and leading an oppressed nation, negotiation with the British, countering political tricks of Hindus and leading a new born state. All these aspects need a separate discussion for complete understanding.

“The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards

they set for themselves.” Ray Kroc

Firstly, the muslims of the sub-continent, who had been its previous rulers, became a rudderless (          ). They were disunited, aimless and had no leader of high caliber    (                   ). M. Ali Jinnah showed them the right political path. It was his love, sincerity and truthfulness that he became a great leader of Muslims. There were many groups of Muslims with different political goals. For instance, a group of   Muslims believed in Congress developed into a single political force led and guided by one man, Mr. Jinnah.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

Warren Bennis

Secondly, Quaid-e-Azam held talks with the British brilliantly. He held dialogues with the Cabinet Mission, Lord Wavell & Lord Mountbatten on different occasions to discuss the political future of India. However, he made it clear to all of them that they could not trap him. He knew their evil designs (               ) and replied on the table of talks very brilliantly. He had clear vision and great communication skill to deliver his viewpoint. Although the British diplomats were very skilled, Mr. Jinnah proved his stance (                   ) and won the case for Pakistan.

“Where is no vision, there is no hope.” Carver

Thirdly, Mr. Jinnah countered the political tricks of Hindus. The Congress tried its best to keep India united and the Muslims under their rule. Our hero knew their treacherous designs. He knew that Gandhi did not have any sympathy with the Khilafat , but he had his own axe to grind. Quaid scored a tactical victory over him during all talks. He established himself as the sole leader of the Muslim community. His final phase of struggle began in 1940 when he demanded for a separate homeland.

“A true leadership is practiced not so much in words as

in attitude and in actions.” Geneen

Finally, the survival of Pakistan was greater challenge than its formation. Our national hero proved equal to the task in every trial. Pakistan had no army to defend her or establishment to run the government. There was a big question mark on the survival of the country. However, he did not get panic (              ). He gave the political and constitutional guidelines for the country. He started developing various institutions of state. In his address to the nation, the Quaid always encouraged the people. He always motivated the people that Pakistan had come into existence to remain forever. He worked untiringly (                  ) to fulfill his duties. He had an iron will and it never became feeble (              ). He did not care for his illness and died after a prolonged illness. On 11th September, 19 48 he breathed his last.

“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” King Martin Luther

To conclude, heroes never die because their powerful remembrance remains alive in the hearts of nation. They become stronger after their death. Mr. Jinnah is also one such hero in history whose struggle was a for a nation. His objective was clear and his strategy perfect/ his battlefield was politics and his weapon was low. He fought against the British, the Hindus and his ill health. He was not overpowered by any one. Since he is a hero, he did not lose at any front throughout his life.

6-Why I love Pakistan


“Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”

Helen Keller

 Love is the biggest truth and a fundamental (                        ) passion of man. To lead a full life he needs sympathy, help and the love of others. He is terrible afraid of living alone because he is a social being, his life is bound up with society and the people living around. To achieve his end he must live in a country and build a home. He must have family and lead a fruitful life. He must seek union with his fellow beings to whom he deals with. He cannot but love the country where he and his family and the people he needs and loves, live. Thus this country is his family. Therefore, man’s most powerful passion, love, takes his country as natural object of love and respect. He cannot help attaching with them.

“Tell the truth. Sing with passion. Work with laughter. Love with heart. Cause that’s all that matters in the end.” Kris Kristofferson

I love Pakistan on the score of many reasons. Firstly, I love it because it is my country and its love is in my blood. It has fed me, it has protected me. It has given me everything it has. This fair land has become flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. It is the land of my forefathers (                            ). They have loved it. They have toiled (                          ) here. Their bones are buried here. They have become a part of this land. To me this land is the most precious and sacred and I love it from the core of my heart.

“I want to know what passion is. I want to feel something strongly.” Aldous Huxley

Pakistan is the embodiment (                      ) of all that I love and cherish. It is not just a piece of land to me. It is a concrete (                     ) symbol of the traditions, the aspirations and the hopes of my nation. It has everything which is required to flourish. It is our past, our present and our future. Although, in the political sense it is a new state, yet in reality it is thousands of years old. It is the land of Indus Valley Civilization. It is the land where Muhammad Bin Quasim brought the light of Islam. We are all grateful to God for blessing us the great teachings of Islam and love and respect for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

My people have lived here for centuries. They have prospered here. They have thrived here as brave and honest people. Unfortunately, a foreign nation conquered this fair land. For a long time they kept it and its sons in bondage (                      ). But my people had all along been fighting to free their motherland. Presently our neighbour country is jealous of Atomic power. It is oppressing our Kashmiri brothers who want freedom and want to join Pakistan but India is not willing to give them their right of plebiscite (                          ). Hence the issue has been at the anvil of (       the U.N.O for last many decades.

“A country cannot subsist well without liberty, nor liberty without virtue.” Daniel Webster

Not only the people of this region, but all the Muslims of India also have offered great scarifies for the creation of Pakistan. It is the country of all the Muslims of the sub-continent. Every handful of its dust is coloured with the blood of our ancestors. We have given the price for its freedom. This is our country, our homeland. For me it is the fairest of all lands. From the peaks of northern areas to the coast of Karachi, there spreads a long series of beautiful scenes. I love it from the core of my heart. May Allah almighty bless my home and give freedom to the Kashmiris who have been fighting against the terrorism of India for many years.

“To be happy you must have taken the measure of your powers, tasted the fruits of your passion, and learned your place into the world.” George Santayana



“We are in this together - and we will get through this together.”


i)             Definition of Corona Virus

ii)           Where did corona virus appear?

a.   Through transportation

b.   Through goods

iii)          After effects of COVID-19 in Pakistan

iv)          Precautionary Measures taken by the government

v)            Control of Corona Virus with Hygiene/ Cleanliness measures

vi)          Conclusion

Global corona pandemic describes an infectious disease (Covid-19) by a large family of viruses known as the corona. World Health Organization (WHO) and its communication with the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) announced the official name for this virus responsible for this disease as Covid-19.

          There are several reports of the origin of this virus but it is an established fact that this disease started in the busiest city Wuhan, China. The first case was reported on Dec 31, 2019 when a person was hospitalized with an unknown disease, which was later described as Covid-19. The Chinese government declared a strict lockdown of 76 days in Wuhan.

“Covid-19 will reshape our world. We don’t yet know when the crisis will end. But we can be sure that by the time it does our world will look very different.”

This disease is continuing its spread across the world. It can spread from person to person. About 212 countries and territories have been reported till. The worst affected countries are United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Iran, Russia, Spain, Germany, China, etc.

          The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are tiredness, fever, dry cough, light aches and pain, nasal congestion sore throat, shortening of breath etc. These symptoms are mild and grow gradually in the human body. However, some people get infected but don’t develop any symptoms. Reports say that sometimes people get recover without any special treatment. Older people and those who are under medical treatment become a victim very quickly.

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task

which, more than anything else, will affect its

successful outcome.”

William James

To prevent the spread of this disease people should stay aware of the latest information available on the national, state and local public health authorities. Now, each and every country has succeeded in slowing the spread of the outbreak. People can reduce the chances of being infected by taking some simple precautions. People should regularly wash and clean hands with soap or alcohol hand brush. People should maintain at least 1 meter social distancing.

“The preservation of health

is easier than the cure of disease.”

Also, people should avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. To wear mask, glass and hand gloves must be compulsory.

          People should stay home and not go out if not necessary. Always follow the local health authority. There are also guidelines for a person who has any recent travel history. He/she must maintain self-isolation. If necessary must consult doctors.

“Medicine cure disease, but doctors can cure the patients.”

Governments and health authorities are taking vigorous action every time when a new case of COVID-19 is identified. However, various countries declared lockdown to prevent overtake the disease. People should be sure to comply with any local restrictions on travel, movement or gatherings. Cooperating with the disease can control the efforts and will reduce the risk of catching or spreading COVID-19

“The secret of crisis management

Is not good vs bad, its preventing the bad

from getting worse.”

There is no evidence that medicine can prevent or cure the disease. While some western and traditional home remedies may provide comfort and alleviate symptoms. Antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Also, there is no vaccine yet to recover. People with serious illness should be hospitalized. Possible vaccines and some specific drug treatments are under investigation. They are being tested through clinical trials.

“Your hardest times often lead to

the greatest-moments of your life.

Keep the faith. It will be all worth

it in the end.”


“We are in this together –

and we will get through this together.”


     i.        Definition of Corona Virus

   ii.        Where did corona virus appear?

  iii.        Through transportation

  iv.        Through goods

    v.        After effects of COVID-19 in Pakistan

  vi.        Precautionary Measures taken by the government

vii.        Control of Corona Virus with Hygiene/ Cleanliness measures

viii.        Conclusion.

Corona virus which is commonly called as COVID-19 is an infectious disease which causes illness in respiratory system in the human’s body. It is a new virus that is impacting the whole world badly as it is spreading primarily through contact with person to person.

“Be kind to others because the world

is dealing with three pandemics same time:

 greed, corruption and corona virus”

COVID-19 was first identified during December, 2019 in Wuhan, city of China. In March 2020, WHO (World Health Organization) announced the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. COVID-19 is now a cause of large number of mortality across the world. Till now, no proper drug or vaccine has been developed for the treatment of this infectious disease. However, clinical trials and research are being carried on for the development of drugs and vaccine. Somebody correctly has said:

“If health is gone, everything is gone.”

Health is wealth and nothing is supreme than where our health stands at present moment. A healthy person, whether rich or poor, lives more happy and peaceful life than any rich person having diseased body.

“No matter how much falls on us, we keep

flowing ahead. That’s the only way to

keep the roads clear.”

COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crises of our time and the greatest challenge we have forced since World War II. Since its emergence in Asia late last year, the virus has spread to almost every continent except Antarctica. Cases are arising daily in Africa, America and Europe. Its symptoms are as follows:

i.             Fever, dry cough, tiredness

ii.           Aches and pains

iii.          Sore throat

iv.          Diarrhea

v.            Loss of taste or smell

vi.          Rashes on skin

vii.        Discoloration of fingers and toes

viii.       Difficulty in breathing

ix.          Shortness of breath

x.           Chest pain or pressure

xi.          Loss of speech or movement

The first case of corona virus in Pakistan was reported from Karachi on January 26, 2020. Pakistan has witnessed a massive increase in its confirmed cases after that. Most of the European countries completely lockdown their countries, but Pakistan as a developing country could not do so because the shutter down of industries and marketing would affect the economy so badly particular the daily wagers.

          Completely lockdown was not favorable for the local community of Pakistan. The government in the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan handled this situation miserly because the COVID-19 was spreading through passengers especially those who come from foreign countries or through the transportation of goods from various borders of Pakistan. Govt. took the following measures to control it:

i.             Sealed the boarders with neighboring countries such as Iran, China and India.

ii.           Impose ban on local gatherings, public places.

iii.          Fix the market timings from 9.A.M to 5.P.M with proper pre- cautions.

iv.          Govt. institutions, offices schools, colleges, universities, public places were closed.

v.            Isolation centers for the patients of Corona virus in various hospitals.

In this way, Pakistan government saved the nation from this deadly effect like Spain and Italy.

     We are in unchartered territory even after this. Due to lockdown, people stay indoors, either by choice or by official orders. Many people are losing their jobs and income, with no way of knowing when normality will return.

“In life and death matters, such as COVID-19

Pandemic. A focus on financial matters can

seem misplaced, but for the word’s poor.

The financial impacts of COVID-19 can be

devastating and far more immediate.”

Impacts of COVID-19 on education are also devastating all over the world. In Pakistan, the government imposes lockdown at the peak time of academic career for the safety of teachers and students. Exams has been cancelled or postponed. Students of matriculation and intermediate were promoted to next classes this year. The government’s point of view;

“Lives of our teachers and students are more important.”

So till the invention of vaccine we must adopt the following preventive measures:

i.             Wash hands regularly for 20 seconds each time.

ii.           Avoid un-necessary public gatherings.

iii.          Maintain 5-6 feet distance from infected person

iv.          Cover nose and mouth while sneezing.

v.            Wear mask and gloves most of the time

Being a Muslim community, the immune systems of our public are strong than non-Muslims who used alcohol and eat pork. Moreover, our hygiene is better. That’s why the condition of Pakistan is far better than Italy, America and china. But still there is need of public awareness to get through this pandemic situation.

“We are in this together

and we will get through this


8. Technical Education



i.             Definition of Technical Education & Technicians

ii.           Increase of the unemployment in the country

iii.          Lack of Technical Education and poverty in Pakistan

iv.          Technical Education helps to eliminate poverty

v.            Technical Education increases man’s skills knowledge

vi.          Technical Education helps to increase foreign exchange

vii.         Technical Education helps to improve National Economic

viii.       Moral and spiritual knowledge is also needed to improve man’s life

ix.          Conclusion


“Science is a key which unlocks for mankind a store of nature.”

Technical education means teaching students and others some practical or mechanical art. It includes training in trade, commerce, carpentry, weaving, agriculture, medicines and engineering. It helps to meet the needs of today’s world of machines. Those who get such education become technical experts or technicians.

“A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents,

works his tail off to develop them into skills,

and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.”
Larry Bird

Technical education is a branch of the vocational education. It plays an important role in the progress of a man, a society, a nation and a country. In the present day of keen competition and hard struggle, general education is found to be sadly insufficient to procure for the man his livelihood. The number of men with general education is mass and all the various departments where these men can be provided are literally packed. The unemployment problem is growing keener and keener every day and unrest and discontent are daily gaining ground.


“Man loves to wonder and that is the seed of science.”


Technical education is lacking in Pakistan. Our schools and colleges produce men who are fit only to be clerks. Our youth hankers after office jobs. They dislike to work in factories and hate to learn practical skills. This is why unemployment is on the rise in the country. Poverty in Pakistan is due to the neglect of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources, but we cannot enjoy the advantages only because we are not equipped with any technical knowledge.


Poverty in Pakistan is due to the lack of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources, but we cannot derive their benefits because we lack in technical education. We should, therefore establish more and more Technical Institutions throughout the country. We should also popularize the idea of the dignity of labour among our educated young men, using the services of Radio, Television, Newspapers and Film Industry.


Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.

“Hard work and perseverance is a key to success”

Technical education aims at providing us knowledge and training in various skills, which have a practical utility for us. It helps us in earning our livelihood. Technical education plays very important role in the life of the modern man. America, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and China are rich, prosperous and advanced countries only because of their progress in technical education. Technical education produces engineers, doctors, architects mechanics and experts in various skills. They are very useful in an industrial society. It produces skilled workers who work for the prosperity of a society.


Through technical education, we can increase the material resources of our country. It promotes material prosperity. It develops our economy. It has a great educational value. With its help, people have begun to have faith in the dignity of labour. We can earn a lot of foreign exchange if we have our own technical experts.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal:

it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill

Technical education plays an important role in making a country rich, prosperous, resourceful and strong. But too much technical education converts a man into a machine. A man’s specialized knowledge makes him unfit for other jobs. In order to make technical education useful, we should also get spiritual or moral education. No education can be called complete in the absence of spiritual or moral education. Technical education plays a very pivotal role in the modern age. It produces engineers, builders, doctors and technicians. It promotes the material and economic advancement. People begin to have faith in the dignity of labour. We can save a lot of foreign exchange if we have our own technical experts.

Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen. Andrew Bernstein


To conclude, all the progress of a country depends upon its progress in the field of technical education. Technical education plays an important role in the economic and industrial development of a country. To make our country and countrymen rich, prosperous and strong, we must have to establish more and more Technical Institutions in country, for imparting technical education and training to our educated youth in various skills. In the long run, the country will make progress by leaps and bounds                           ******

9- My Aim of Life

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” Vince Lombardi


One who is born in the world has natural instinct to have some aim in his life. Aim provides zeal and zest (            ) to work hard. There are as many aims as men in the world. Some wish to be civil officers, some want to be engineers and some want to be pilots. But my aim in life is quite different from others. My aim in life is to be an English teacher. My father is also a professor in a government college. He is serving humanity and enjoying respect in society. His services are not only beneficial for his pupils but also for me. He is an ideal personality for me. Therefore, I have also decided to become a teacher in my life. Teachers have many good characteristics in their personalities, which are appreciating for the generations for all time.

“Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.”  Plato

The very word of ‘Teacher’ depicts sincerity, good nature, selflessness and humbleness. A good teacher is well-mannered, nice and a gentle personality from top to toe. This profession would also help me to fulfill my duties towards my religion and community alike. No doubt, it is a low paid profession, but it satisfies my conscience.

“The ability to perceive or think differently is more

important than the knowledge gained.” David Bohm

Being a teacher I will impart good qualities to my pupils. I will display good temper, sound judgment, refined taste and self-respect before them. And they will learn how to develop their self-knowledge, self-confidence and self-respect. I will guide them that how they can achieve their cherish goals. I will study not only worldly knowledge but also spiritual knowledge. I shall be well aware of my students’ tasks and assignments. I believe that real happiness lies in obeying the voice of conscience instead of ugly passions. I know that teaching is a noble profession.

However difficult life may seem, there is always

something you can do and succeed at.” Stephen Hawking

I want to adapt teaching profession because this is the only profession who teaches all others professions. It is the teacher who builds the character of the young generation. It is the teacher who produces officers, doctors, engineers, pilots etc. I will try my best to take keen interests in my students’ constructive activities. I will try to teach them the real values of courtesy, good manners, and decent habits. I will teach them the principles of character building.

“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is life

a sunless garden where the flowers are dead.” Oscar Wilde

I will take interest in their healthy and co-curricular activities. It will fasten my relation with them. I will encourage them to take keen interests in their class mates. My students will try to maintain a genial relationship with one another. They will try to shed sunshine on their path and lighten their sorrows by the balm of sympathy. They will give them pure joy of never tiring affection and strengthen their failing courage. They inspire faith in the hours of despair. My students will become the real asset of the nation. It is the teacher who influences the lives of those who will bring credit and grandeur to the nation.

“Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key

to unlocking our potential.” Churchill

I know that no one can attain the heights of glory without taking pains. I also believe that success lies in hardworking and perseverance. I will try to make the best use of my time. I know that a good teacher is always sympathetic, duty bound and intelligent. Being a teacher, I would like to solve their problems. During the course of my lecture, I would delight the students with pleasant jokes. It would make the students smile whenever they feel boredom during the class. I will try to make my teaching easier for them.

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try

to become a man of value.” Albert Einstein

Being a teacher, I would maintain a strict discipline in the class. I know that the secret of the success of a teacher lies in his kind and sympathetic attitude towards the students, so I would guide and instruct my students in a positive way. My students will not use unfair means to get favour through unfair means in any matter of life. I will be punctual and honest in all my duties and obligations. I will work hard to impart my knowledge to my students. I would deal all the students without any discrimination. I would try to be impartial in my conduct. If I become a teacher, I would like to be a role model for my students. I would advise them to lead their lives according to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (PBUH). I would try to moulid and shape the personality of my students through my teaching. May Allah help me in getting my aim Ameen!

“Four things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valour of the brave.”

Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

To conclude, a good teacher never dies because his teaching remains alive in the hearts of his students.                            *****

10. Computer – A blessing or a Curse

“A science which does not bring us nearer to God is worthless.” Simone Weil

Since the dawn of life man has been hankering (                    ) after all the comforts and luxuries of life. There spreads a long series of multi-dimensional fields of knowledge from the murky depth of ocean to the beyond the vast universe. Man, with his great power of wisdom and intellect, has been keen to invent the stunning inventions. He has invented useful technologies. It has been great service to mankind, which will be honoured and commended (                             ) forever and ever.

“Science is the systematic classification of experience.”

George Henry Lewes


Computer is one of the inventions of human being, which has brought about an amazing revolution in the life around in the present day. Its use now seems, as it has become a necessity, and has created for itself indispensability. (            ). Whether one goes to a railway station or to an airport for reservations; goes to the market for purchases or to any bank to withdraw money or to know the balance of one’s account – on the table or the counter, it is the computer providing in no time all the details that one wants to know.

“Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life.” Nathan Deal
         So what this computer is – this must be a natural inquisitiveness (               ). A computer is defined as an electronic device, which has the ability to accept data and instructions; store them, perform mathematical and logical operations (              ) and output the results. What is important about computers is their characteristic, which are – speed, storage, accuracy and versatility. Taking up these characteristics one by one, speed is to be found in the operations of computers, which are caused by electrical pulses. As the electricity travels at the speed of light, a computer too can perform innumerable (                    ) number of operations in just one second. This speed is measured in nanoseconds – one nanosecond is equal to billionth of a second. So far the capacity of storage is concerned. It has a very large storage capacity. The contents of around two hundred sheets can be stored in just a few megabytes.

“It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature. “ Albert Einstein

Does it not look wonderful that sitting in one city up north one can get his reservations in trains done or cancelled in deep South thousands of miles away; or to perform the same job in one’s air-travels from one country to another. Messages can be transmitted (                     ) in the twinkling of an eye on E-mail or Fax. Letters which used to take days and even weeks sometimes are sent and delivered right here now.
“However, difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”     Stephen Hawking

Money can be withdrawn from one’s account by just pressing the button of the booth of our bank by the road side, sliding into it one’s account number card and crispy notes are available in another slot of the same machine. No hassles (                             ) of presenting the – cheque, asking, for the balance or getting the payment, everything is so automatic and so quick. In the busy world as of today, going busier every day, such ready service is saving so much time, so much energy, so much manpower, which can be better utilized in some other profitable pursuit. In the medical science, particularly in the field of surgery, from transplantation of heart to a minor injury, unthinkable and unimaginable jobs are being performed-all with the help of computerized gadgets.

“Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems.” Rene Descartes

It should not now be laughed at as a craze. It is now the need of the age and now when we have entered the new century, we cannot imagine what further wonders are in store for us. “Every scientific invention leads to another wonder of science.”
In short we can say that computer is great wonder of science, which has become a part and parcel of human’s life. However, its services must benefit to all mankind in general. I conclude in the words of Nathan Deal that all

“Scientific advancements should aim to affirm and to improve human life.”

11-Advantages and disadvantages

of Cell Phone

“Science is the systematic classification of experience.”

 George Henry Lewes

 Since the dawn of life man has been hankering after all the comforts and luxuries of life. There spreads a long series of multi-dimensional fields of knowledge from the murky depth of ocean to beyond the vast universe. Man, with his great power of wisdom and intellect, has been very keen to explore the stunning discoveries. He has invented many useful technologies. It has been great service to mankind, which will be honoured and commended forever and ever.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mohandas Gandhi

The last years of the twentieth century saw sudden popularization of mobile or cellular phone. Now, in the new century, it is almost a professional necessity. Even in private life, if they can afford, people find it highly convenient and useful. As a revolutionary development of the common telephone, it has created many links between cities, countries and continents that do not need the agency of any wires of material connections.

Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.” Peter Drucker

In 1947, US researchers used the short-range mobile care phones to develop the long-range mobile phones. A cellular system of many small broadcast towers of a radius of a few miles was set up. The phone calls travelled from tower to tower. By 1981, a cellular radio-telephone system was fully available. In the later years, until the turn of the century, the mobile phone developed tremendously and became, perhaps, much more popular and functional than the common telephone.

“It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man’s insecurity before himself and before nature.”  Albert Einstein

Mobile phones have uses that surpass those of any other communication technology. First, they enable us to communicate business, science or any other date to places anywhere in the world. This promotes business and science on the basis of the latest information and knowledge. Resultantly it has created many job opportunities.

Second, the mobile-phone technology has made possible exploration of distant places in nature or dangerous areas. Mountaineers, voyagers, hunters and travelers of all kinds can start fearlessly with their mobile-phones in different directions. They have the confidence that if they face any hardship or trouble on their way, they can communicate readily with their friends behind.

Third, as a protection against criminals or terrorists, the mobile-phone can prove to be very effective. If a person having a mobile-phone is threatened by hijackers or law-breakers anywhere, he can at least try to contact the police or his friends for immediate help.

“It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man’s insecurity before himself and before nature.”  Albert Einstein

Fourthly, instead of having hotlines or regular telephone links, the rulers or leaders of different countries can have cellular links all the time. Misunderstandings and doubts of different kinds can be removed readily through cellular communication.

 Fifth, the mobile-phone is profitably used by businessmen touring distant parts of their country and foreign countries. They can inquire about the prices of goods produced in different factories of manufacturing companies and on farms.

Sixth, the money exchanges of different countries make free use of the mobile-phone in their business activities. The rates of different currencies in all countries are readily made available to the customers round the clock. It is, however, undesirable to have a mobile-phone as a prestige symbol or for fashion.

“Science never solves a problem without creating ten more.”

 George Bernard Shaw

The mobile-phone is in fact, a double-edge weapon. If its uses for the benefits of human beings are many, its destructive uses are not few. We know that criminals and terrorists make use of this device to keep contact with each other. We have read in newspapers about the use of the mobile-phone by candidates inside examination halls trying to get information from outside through their friends to copy answers to exams questions.

Further, the mobile-phone has given rise to some psychological problems among the users. Because of their constant use of it quite a few of them become nervous or confused. In some, loss of memory has been reported. In others, problems of sleeplessness and mental disease have come to the surface. Some newspapers claim that a constant use of the mobile-phone causes tumors in the brain. Apart from the disease caused by the phone, maladjustment of the user in society and distortion in his personality are more dangerous.

“Nothing is either good or bad, thinking makes it so”,


It will be better if the mobile-phone is used proportionately and wisely, in a normal and balance manner. Complete dependence on it on the part of its users for their daily work and business dealings can result in a kind of mechanical life in which physical or mental effort is excluded. Work through telephone calls should be reduced to the minimum and physical effort, movement and walking or travel should be preferred. For the government to exercise some control on the use of the mobile phone will be desirable. Young people, who are inexperienced or are studying, or doubtful people, with negative records in their places of work or with the police, may not be allowed to keep and carry mobile phones. In a society where most of the people are uneducated or uncultured, the use of the mobile phone should not go unrestricted.

Competition between mobile companies promotes negative uses of the device. Through advertisements and canvassing, they make people waste time and spend more on mobile talks than on books and learning. However, it has resulted in reduction of the call rates.

In short, the misuse of mobile-phone has vexed the minds of thoughtful people. The parents are faced with this present dilemma of mobile-phone. Time is ripe for the formulation of a new morality which would readjust our distorted notions about modern technology. Predominance of modern technology will diminish mankind before long.

“Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and

to improve human life.” Nathan Deal


12- A Cricket Match


i.             Different types of games

ii.           A one-day match between India & Pakistan

iii.          Pakistan won the Toss & decided to bowling, batting was given to India

iv.          Five out at 158 runs & all out at 208

v.            Pakistan played well and won the match

vi.          Conclusion: spectators’ jubilation

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”

Vince Lombardi

Since the dawn of life man has been yearning (             ) after all the comforts and enjoyments of life. There are hundreds of hundreds games, which everyone likes to play according to his taste and like. Cricket was once a gentlemanly game. It was considered a game of colour and excitement. People no longer believe in the feats of players but a match between two rivals Pakistan and India has still its taste and thrill (                ).

“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford.

A few years ago India team arrived in Pakistan to play a series of limited over matches. The second one day match was going to be played in well-known Qaddafi Stadium, Lahore. It was a day and night match. It seemed that the whole Lahore had come to watch that memorable event.

Pakistani captain Waseem Akram and Indian captain Azhar-ud-din threw a coin in the air for toss. Pakistan won the toss and chose to let the Indian bat first. Tendulkar and Gangulay, two master-openers briskly walked to the wicket in their blue uniforms. Tony Craig was on the mike to comment in his sonorous (                     ) and cheerful voice.

“True hardships brings satisfaction, appreciation and contentment for everyone.”

Waseem Akram was the striking bowler. All the spectators were spellbound, watching at the batsman, little master Tendulkar. And there was a roar of shouting at the ball. The master batsman could not face the rival and was clean bowled. On the next ball their captain Azhar was also caught behind by Moeen, Pakistani wicket-keeper. Unluckily Waseem missed the hat-trick chance. As the game progressed Indians were five out at first fifty eight at hundred. Tail-enders resisted a bit and gathered one hundred more. Pakistani fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar took the ball in last overs and packed the innings at 208.

“Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man may go together. ” John Ruskin

After the break Pakistani openers Saeed Anwar and hard hitter Afridi came to the wicket. Afridi had already set a record by making the fastest ever century. Srinath’s first ball was out of the stadium in no time. In just four overs Pakistan was at 44 and Afridi was caught hitting a super six at 81. But he had already taken the game out of the hands of the Indians. Then came Ijaz and he did well in next overs. Though Saeed, the main batsman was out at hundred yet Youhana, a cool-minded middle order batsman carried on with fine pace. Ijaz made his century hitting nine sixes. The powerful lights were on and the spectators were overjoyed. At last the critical moment came and Ijaz hit the winning shot a six at 30 balls and took two wickets as well. Hence he was declared man of the match.

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of over whelming obstacles.”

In short, spectators were thrilled at that easy victory and shouted the slogans in the favour of Pakistani team. They flew papers planes and threw their caps and hats in the air in the wild jubilation (                          ). It was memorable match that remained in my mind long afterwards.

“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.”


13-Science and Society



i.             Since the dawn of life-Man in the service of mankind

ii.           Every day man sees new inventions, which are not less than any miracle

iii.          Science has shorted the distance. The world has become a global village

iv.          Scientific inventions have made our life easier than before.

v.            Advancement in the field of agriculture & medicine

vi.          Conclusion: benefits of scientific methods. 

“Science surpassed the old miracles of mythology.’

Says Emerson

Since the dawn of life man has been hankering after all the comforts and luxuries of life. There spreads a long series of multi-dimensional fields of knowledge from the murky depth of ocean to the beyond the vast universe. Man, with his great power of wisdom and intellect, has been keen to explore the stunning discoveries and invent useful technologies. It has been great service to mankind, which will be honoured and commended forever and ever.

“To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace (threat) to society.” Theodore Roosevelt.

The progress today is all because of scientific inventions. Science has brought great revolution in all the societies of the world. It has brought changes in all fields of our life. The impossibilities have been achieved through science. Now miracles are happening daily. Science has given us power and self-confidence to man. It is because of science that today man is the master of all around him. Science is a friend of man and it has done and is doing much in the service of humanity.

Science never solves a problem without creating ten more.

George Bernard Shaw

Science has shortened distances. In the past, journey and travels took much time. People departed from their relatives and friends with heavy hearts. Now those days are gone. We can traverse long distances in just a few hours. The fast moving trains and aero planes are there to help us. Telephone, telegraph and internet flash the news across the world in twinkling of an eye. Sitting beside your radio, you can enjoy a match, being played thousands of miles away.

Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life. Nathan Deal

On television we cannot only hear the speaker but also see his picture. The bonds of friendship and love between the people of different countries have been strengthened. Science has brought on society to another and this is a good service. The world has become a global village.

A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent, unless found guilty.” Edward Teller

In the past, life was drudgery. There were no amusements. The people worked, ate and slept. Conditions of life were hard. Now the radio amuses us, and the cinema entertains us. Electricity is our maidservant. She does every impossible and difficult job for us. It moves the fans, heats the rooms, illuminates the cities, and presses our clothes and small gadgets work for us. There are calculating machines, computers are present to lessen our burden, and save our lives.

In short, life has been made easy to live in this modern era and now it is not a bed of thorns as it used to be considered in the past.

It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature. Albert Einstein


Disease was monster in the past. Now medical science has helped us fight against the most deadly diseases like cancer and tuberculosis. Death rate has been reduced. Now the dead can be brought to life up to some extent.

Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems. Rene Descartes

Lungs can be replaced and heart can be operated upon. Surgery has worked wonders now heart transplant is common. Grafting can replace useless or ugly parts of our body. Hunger and famine struck the people in the past. Now the famines break out very rarely. Progress and research in the field of agriculture has increased the production. Fertilizers never allow the soil to go barren. Swift means of communication and transportation have made it easy to carry grains from one place to another. It has helped to reduce poverty in the world.

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. Adam Smith


In short we see that science has brought comfort and pleasure for all mankind. It has reduced human misery. It is right to call a friend of mankind. Modern society is getting the best advantages of scientific researches and methods in all over the world today.

 “The ability to perceive or think differently is more important

than the knowledge gained.”         David Bohm


14- Women Place in Society

“Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women.” Mustafa Kamal

Eve fell a prey to Satan’s evil designs and in consequences became the butt of all man’s wrath. Woman was considered the cause of all the miseries and evils of this world. Perhaps it was such type of thinking that forced a wise man say: Woman is the woe of man”. She was considered just a beautiful toy in the hands of man who played with her to satisfy his sensual desires. She had no constructive role to play. She was thought to be physically frail and coward mentally restarted and spiritually shallow.

          But Islam restored her grace and dignity that she well deserved. By laying stress on the respect of mother more than father and by giving equal rights to wives Islam proved that “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” She is not a prophet but she gives birth to a prophet. She may not be brave warrior but she is the mother of millions of brave warriors and eminent leaders. Keeping this in view Islam gave her equal opportunities to grow and glow. She was allowed to work shoulder to shoulder with man in every field of life. The only condition was that she would always preserve her honour and keep it sacred to her.

“You don’t have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you.” Meryl Streep

Unfortunately, in Muslim countries this part of Islamic teachings has been ignored and woman is still considered a captive to be chained in domestic bondage. At some places woman is not allowed to get education. At some other places she is treated as a commodity to be sold and purchased Even in Pakistan there are some Muslim tribes where woman gets no share from her father’s or husband’s property or is married to the holy Quran.

“To understand how any society functions you must understand the relationship between the men and the women. “ Angela Davis

On the other hand in western countries woman is considered to be an integral and beneficial part of society. She has a very important role to play in the development of society. So she is given equal chances to prove her worth and value in every field of life. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons that western countries are progressing by leaps and bounds while we are just sitting idle with our conservative thinking and finding faults with them. They are, no doubts, trying to give a positive response to Hitler’s call:

Give me good mothers and I will give you a good Nation.”

          In Pakistan we have forgotten even the sayings of our holy Prophet (PBUH):

It is incumbent upon every man and every woman to seek knowledge”

another place he said

“Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China.”

We are creating hindrances in their way. A lame excuse that we often use is that ours is a poor country and we cannot open separate institutions for women. The question is why separate institutions? Does Islam prohibit women education? If women are allowed to nurse injured soldiers in the battlefield how can they be barred from getting education in the male institution? Corruption and sexual perversion do not need college rooms and lawns only. They may grow in corn fields, in open orchards, in hospitals’ operation rooms, in mullah’s cottage and even in houses where films packed with obscene scenes are watched together with young sons and daughters.

          Instead of deceiving ourselves with lame excuses we should follow the teachings of Islam in letter and spirit (               ). If we want to earn the pleasure of God we will have to remove all unjust taboos (                  ) that we have imposed upon women.

“Occasionally the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants.”  Thomas Jefferson

          Emancipation (            ) of woman does not mean freedom from all moral and ethical norms. It means adherence to all such norms and principles that ensure woman’s honour, respect and dignity. This end can only be achieved by giving woman equal opportunities of education, occupation and relaxation.

Shakespeare says: “There is nothing good or bad, thinking makes it so.”


15. Education for Women


i.             Education and modern society

ii.           Challenges in 21st century for the women

iii.          A positive role of an educated woman

iv.          Different roles of a woman in society

v.            Education of a woman lays the foundation of a society

Education is very important for everyone living in the modern society. It is only education by which we can differentiate between animals and human beings. It teaches us how to live in a society. Therefore, education is essential for both men and women. Napoleon said: 

Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized, educated nation.”

In past, women did not receive any education at all. They were not allowed to come out of the four walls of their houses. They remained busy in their domestic chores from dawn to dusk. But now we are living in the 21st century where there is no difference between men and women. A society cannot prosper without the active participation of women in every field of life. Therefore, proper facilities of education should be provided to women so that they can play an effective role in the society.

“Educate a woman and she will change the world.”

We know that women give birth to children and train them. An educated woman can be a much better mother than an uneducated one. She can train and raise her children in a better environment. It is a reality that the lap of a mother is the first institution for a child. He learns everything from his mother. An educated woman can solve all problems of his children and family. She lays the foundation of an educated and civilized family. If women are educated, the whole society will be educated. It is rightly said:

“If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”

Women make up almost half of the population of the world. Without their education, the world cannot be a happy and peaceful place to live in. Educated women prove to be good daughters, loving wives and caring mothers. They can play all these three roles in a serviceable and an effective manner. Education enables them to make their parents, husbands and children truly happy. Educated women are very helpful in promoting domestic and social peace.  Our religion Islam urges every individual whether man or woman to acquire knowledge. It lays great stress on the education of women. It has given many rights to women as daughters, wives and mothers.

There is a need to pay proper attention towards the education of women. They should be encouraged to get higher education and play an active part in their society. The government should establish separate schools, colleges and universities for women especially in the rural areas so that they can easily and freely get education. 

In short, education of women is a vital necessity in the modern world of today. We have to take immediate steps to facilitate women so that they can get proper education and lay the foundation of a civilized society. 


16. Corruption



i.             Definition of corruption

ii.           Corruption is the mother of all evils

iii.         Different forms of corruption

iv.         Bribery has penetrated سرا یت کرناin our society

v.           Our religion forbids corruption strictly

vi.         Greed, materialism and selfishness promote corruption

vii.       An urgent need of controlling corruption in society

viii.      Conclusion

Corruption is a form of dishonesty undertaken by a person to get unlawful/illicit  غیر قانونیbenefits فائدے . It also means the misuse غلط استعمالof power for one’s private gain or interest. It reflects  عکسی کرناgreedy and selfish behavior. It makes people more and voracious  بھوکے لالچیIt is one of the social evils. It eats away the roots of a society like termites دھمک .

“Corruption is the mother of all evils.”

          It promotes اضافہ کرناmany other social evils. Nepotism اقراپروری, bribery  رشوتand favoritism are the children of corruption. At present the whole world is facing the problem of corruption in almost every field and at every level. Most of the people are not honest and true in their dealings. They want to become rich overnight. Everyone is trying to feather his own nest. Politics is the main victim of corruption. People join politics to make money. Most political leaders are corrupt and they are playing main role in spreading corruption all over the world. Common people is being crushed under the chariot wheel  رتھ  کا پیہof price-hike.

First of all, Bribery is the most common method of Corruption. Bribery means to give money to some body in order to get illicit favour. Bribery has penetrated سرائیت کر جاناin every department of our life. No one is ready to do anything without getting some money. Even a watch man takes bribe to fill his bellyپیٹ . Everyone from a high official to a layman indulgesملوس ہونا  in bribery. It is promoting many crimes in our society.  “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Adulteration ملاوٹ is also a type of corruption. It means to mix sub-standard goodsگھٹیا مال  in the high standard goods.

Our religion Islam forbids  منع کرناthis sin but we don’t care about it. We are playing with the health of people in order to get personal benefit. Most of the eatables are mixed with such chemicals which are very dangerous to human health. 

Another form of corruption is favoritism or nepotism طرف داوی . It is quite an old form of Corruption. It is still being practiced all over the world. It refers to a person favouring one’s own relatives and friends to jobs. This is certainly a very unfair practice. It deprives  محروم کر دیناthe right of the deserving person. Many deserving candidates fail to get the right jobs. There are many reasons of corruption.

Greed and selfishness urge a person to involve in corruption. Materialism مادی پرستی has turned man into a machine. He only cares for himself and gets ready to do illicit acts for his personal gains. Inflation is also a cause of corruption. Many people are unable to meet their expenses with the salary they receive. They indulge in illegal practices to make both ends meet. Poverty and unemployment also promote corruption. The poor implication of laws also helps in the promotion of corruption. 

“The worst disease in the world today is corruption. And there is a cure: transparency.”

Thus if we want to eradicate corruption from our society we will have to follow the teachings of Islam. Every person will have to make an effort to discourage corruption at every level. There is an urgent need of controlling inflation and raising the salaries of the officials and workers so that they can easily meet their expenses. Severe punishment should be given to corrupt people. The Government and all the political parties will have to join hands in order to save the future generation from the dangerous effects of this evil.

** **

17. Curbing Child Abuse


1.   Child abuse is a physical or psychological maltreatment

2.   Child abuse is one of the major problems at present

3.   Child abuse can be categorized in four parts

4.   Child abuse is increasing day by day

5.   How to curb child abuse in society

6.   Duty of the parents and the teachers

7.   Conclusion


“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”

Edmund Burke


Child abuse is a physical, sexual, or psychological ill-treatmentبد سلوکی  or neglect of a child, especially by a parent or a caregiver or any member of a community. Child abuse is one of major problem faced by many children around the world. Children can be abused by different people like eccentric سر پھرے  parents, and member of their families, teachers and other children at school or in the community.

“Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.” James Madison

Child abuse can be categorized تقسیم کیے into four types: physical abuse, psychologicalنفسیاتی  abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Each type has different causes and different effects on child life and on the community. The causes can be due to poverty, family stress, abuse of constituents and psychological problems. Child abuse has increased to a dangerous extent during the last few years.

Physical Abuse:

Hitting the child with hand or some other object by parents, teacher or a caretaker is physical abuse. Physical discipline is not abuse as long as it is reasonable.

Sexual Abuse:

Sexual exploitation of a child by a family member or some unknown person is sexual abuse. It includes such indecentبے شرم  activities as rape, incest, prostitution جسم  فروشی , pornography etc.

Emotional Abuse:

It is a sort of psychological abuse. It includes bad behaviour that impairsماند پڑ جانا  a child’s confidence. Under criticism and unfair rejection of child’s views cause emotional abuse. Lack of love, support and guidance also results in emotional abuse.

Neglect Abuse:

When we do not fulfill the basic needs of a child, we neglect him. It is a kind of child abuse. Leaving the child alone or in unsafe conditions is alone neglect. Small children are being maltreated برا سلوکin different ways all over the world.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle

To curb child abuse as quickly as possible is the need of the hour because it is causing great threat to our future generations and society. It is not an informal task.ہلکا لینا It needs proper awareness and implication لاگو کرناof laws. It has been observed that many cases of physical and sexual abuse of children are being reported every other day. In most of the cases, the children are abused by their own relatives or neighbours. Most of the abusers are uneducated and jobless teenagers, young adults and addicts نشہ کرنے والے .

“Education is the movement form darkness to light.” Allan Bloom

To curb such cases, we have to pay proper attention to religious and social teaching of our youth. There must be a ban on the use of drugs. Strict inference اثرہوناof laws is also very essential to curb such incidents. Severe punishment must be given to the sexual abusers. They should be hanged at public places to make them an example for others. It will create fear among the people and stop them from indulging ملوس ہوناin such activities.


“The regeneration of society is the regeneration of society by individual education.” Jean de la Bruyere


The parents and teachers can play a significant role in curbing قلعہ قمہchild abuse. The parents should pay a proper attention to their children. They should have friendly relations with their young ones. They should not let them go out alone. They should advise them not to take anything from strangers. The teachers have great responsibility in this regard. They should teach children how to avoid abuse and remain alert. Many children are abused physically by their employers and step parents. Many children have been mistreated by the owners of the houses where they work as servants. Child labour is also a cause of maltreatment برا سلوکof children. Many employers beat their child employees mercilessly بےرحمی سے . The best way to curb these incidents is to impose a ban  پاپندیon child labour. There should be strict laws against the employers who mistreat their employees.


“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” Robert A. Heinlein


To conclude, child abuse is a great curse. It can destroy our future generation and its values. The government has to take solid measures at all levels to exterminateخاتمہ کرنا  this evil from the society. So a better society may exist and prosper.


18. Importance of Muslim Unity

(مسلم امہ میں اتحاد کی اہمیت)


i.             Islam gives us a complete code of life  مکمل ضابطہ حیات

ii.           Islam is a name of Unityاتقاق

iii.          Teachings of Islam can bring unity among the Muslims

iv.          Teachings of the Holy Prophet  (P.B.U.H) preaches تبلیغ کرناunity

v.            Needs to be strengthened مضبوط کرناthe Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC).

vi.          How unity can be developed ترقی دیناamong the Muslims

vii.         Conclusion

“Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” Mattie Stepanek

Islam gives a complete code of life. It is the religion of unity and peace. It teaches unity and discipline تنظیم in every field of life. Unfortunately, the modern Muslims are divided into different sects گروہ and have forgotten the spirit of Islam اسلامی روح . Therefore, they have been living like slaves  غلامin different parts of the world.  The unity of the Muslims is the need of the hourوقت کی اھم ضرورت  . Only unity can bring them the grandeur عظمت that they enjoyed in the past. All the Muslim countries of the world should forget their differences  اختلافاتand unite together. It will not only make them powerful but also make them strong. It will help them to win their just rights.جائزحقوق It will raise their prestige وقار in the community of the nations.  It will also increase their eminenceمقبولیت .

“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.” Liane Cordes

It is a known fact the only practice عمل of the teachings of the Holy Quran and our beloved Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad can develop unity and brotherhood بھائی چارہ among the Muslims all over the world. The Muslims should be united in the religious field. Their belief in Allah and the Holy Quran is the true basis for their unity. They should not allow the differences of sects to affect it. The Holy Prophet said, “Verily, the believers are like a structure, each part strengthening the other,” and the Prophet clasped جوڑنا his fingers together. [al - Bukhari] This hadith highlights روشن کرنا the importance of supporting مدد one another during times of need willingly خوشی خوشی سے and sincerely.


“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Khalil Gibran

It also involvesشامل کرنا  expressing a sense of joy and pleasure when helping one another, seeing it as an honour to be able to fulfil تکمیل کرنا someone else’s need. The Muslim countries should try to make joint arrangements for their defense. Almost all of them are surrounded گہرا ہوا by powerful adversaries دشمن . Unity is the main defense دفاع . They can become a world power if they all come to have a joint defense system at present. The Muslim countries should co-operate تعاون one another in the economic field as much as possible. It means that they should have common industrial and trade policies. They should have common intebrest مشترکہ مفاد  to promote پروان چڑھنا their country.

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. Napoleon Hill

One Muslim country may easily use the capital or funds of another richer country for setting up factories and industrial plants. The raw خام مالmaterials of one country can easily be used in another. Politically, the Muslim countries should have commonمشترکہ  policies. They should support each other in world bodies like the United Nations (UN). They should offer full support to a country that has any dispute جھگڑاwith another country outside the Muslim world. The Muslims must strengthen their Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC). They should make it an effective platformپر اثر مرکز  to discuss their problems and find out their solutionsحل . They can resolve their issues with discussions بات چیت . It will play a vital role in diminishing ختم ہونا their difference and developing unity and love among them. It will bring them closer in the political سیاسی , economic معاشیand culturalثقافتی  fields. 

Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength. Saint Francis de Sales

Thus in order to develop unity, all the Muslim countries should have a common language مشترکہ زبان. It would help them to share their views and feelings with one another. There should be a free exchange آزاد لین دینof scholars, writers, teachers, scientists and students among them. The radio, television, films, newspapers and magazines (the mass media) can play a vital role فائدہ مندin bringing Muslims closer to one another. To conclude, the unity among the Muslims is inevitable ناگزیر if they want to revive بحالی their lost glory and splendor عظمت in the world. They will have to forget all political, sectarian, regional prejudicesعلاقئ تعصب  and geographical differences if they want to become a strong nation in the world.

As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want.

Mike Tyson



19-Inflation / Price Hike مہنگائی


i.            What is an inflation

ii.          Causes of inflation

iii.        Natural calamities قدرتی آفات cause inflation

iv.         Living standards of the general masses عوام واناس

v.           Devaluation قدر کم ہوناof the currency

vi.         Inequality of standards must be minimized

vii.       Conclusion


“The way to crush the bourgeoisieدرمانہ طبقہ  is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” Vladimir Lenin

Inflation can arise when prices rise due to increase in production costs, such as raw materials and wagesاجرت . A flow in demand for products and services can cause inflation as consumers are willing to pay more for the product. Inflation is a general rise in the prices of services and goods in a particular country resulting in a fall in the value of money. In other words inflation is a situation in which the demand for goods and services exceeds بڑھتی ہیںto the available supply. According to a man in the street inflation means a general rise in the prices. Now-a-days inflation is a world-wide problem. The poor are suffering everywhere due to the high prices of goods and services. It has become difficult for them to make both ends meet بمشکل گزارہ کرنا . Inflation is a burning question زیر بحث مسلہthese days and every country of the world is trying to control it.

“Inflation is a sin; every government denouncesملامت کرنا  it and every government practices it.”

There are many causes of inflation. All types of inflation cause an increase in the overall price level within an economy. Demand-pull inflation occurs when aggregate مجموعی demand for goods and services rises in an economy more rapidly than an economy's productive capacity.  Rising energy prices, such electricity and oil, cause the cost of producing and transporting نقل وحمل goods to rise.

“Death is a fact of life, no matter where you live. Taking care of the dying is a necessity everywhere. Those are not conditions exclusive to small towns.”

Kent Haruf

There are other causes of inflation but a sudden increase in the circulation of money causes rapid inflation. The supply of goods becomes less than the money in circulation زیرگردش in that particular country. The demand increases resulting in the shortage of goods. This situation results in the high prices of commodities.  Natural calamities قدرتی آفات such as flood, famine and drought خوشک سالیcan cause inflation. They have direct effect on the production of a country. Flood and lack of rain destroy the crops and livestock. The scarcity of agricultural products gives rise to inflation. War is also a cause of inflation. It always creates a situation in which the supply of goods becomes zero resulting in high prices.  “Inflation is a sin without legislation.” Overpopulation is another important cause of inflation.

The gap between the rate of production and that of population increase is becoming wider and wider. The population of the world is increasing rapidlyتیزی سے  whereas the production of goods is increasing at a much lower pace. Another cause of inflation is the general rise in the standard of living of the people. With an increase in their income, they create the demand of goods and other luxuriesتعیش  which results in high prices of things.

“Inflation makes the wealthiest people richer and the masses poorer.”

 Pakistan is facing the problem of inflation since the Indo-Pakistan war in 1971. The government of Pakistan had to devalue its currency to rebuild the economy. Since then Pakistan has been unable to control inflation. There is an urgent need فوری ضرورتto control inflation as early as possible. In fact all countries should take joint steps to check inflation. The countries and nations should work together to increase production and keep prices at a proper level.

There are many roads to prosperity, but one must be taken. Inaction leads nowhere. Robert Zoellick

Thus the rise in world population should be checked. Imports should be reduced and exports should be increased. The use of luxuries should be avoided. Inequality between the life standards of the rich and those of the poor must be minimized. The circulation of money should be controlled.  In a nutshell, we have to minimize inflation as much as we can if we want to save our future generation from its bad effect.


“We live in a world in which we're seeing an increasing gap between the haves and the have-nots.”

Jacqueline Novogratz


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20. Drug Addiction


i.             What is “Drug Addiction

ii.           Drug addiction has become a global issue

iii.          How drug addiction damage our mind and body

iv.          Various reasons behind this overuse of drugs

v.            Drug addiction is life-threatening

vi.          Eradication ( (خاتمہ of drug addiction

“Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.” Carl Jung

Drug addiction means nonstop and habitual use of harmful drugs for mental and physical pleasure. Though the pleasure is temporary and short lived, it increases the desire to take more and more. Drug addiction has become a global issue. Its addiction is increasing day by day. Many people take these drugs to feel happier and better about themselves. People belonging to different age groups are using drugs all over the world. It is observed that the teenagers are addicted to drug addiction. They are more involved in it. This ultimately destroys their life and ruins the future of the country.

 “Drug addiction destroys life, tears apart families and hams society.”

Drug addiction has seized our youth in its captivity. Children and adults completely destroy their lives by using different drugs. They do not even think about their families and life. They wasted their wealth. They spend a large amount of money on buying drugs. They also use illegal means to get that money. They start stealing money from their home in order to satisfy their desire of getting a drug. This makes them shameless and out of control. They do not respect their elders. They become immoral and valueless.  Drugs like cocaine, opium, marijuana, and heroin are some of the deadly drugs that are consumed by a large number of people around the globe.

Addiction is a crazy disease. It's a progressive disease when it's not dealt with; it doesn't care who it takes, and it takes it all. You wind up losing your house, your home, your reputation.

Marty Stuart

These dangerous substances make the brain produce a chemical, called dopamine that makes us happy. Producing large amounts of these causes the person to take the drug consistently. Such type of drugs damages our bodies every day and makes us weak and vulnerable to deadly diseases. Sometimes, the drug addicts lose their patience if they don’t get the drug on time. They desperately desire drugs to satisfy themselves. They start crying and screaming as they don’t have control over their senses. Their everyday behaviour is changed completely. “Drugs take you to hell disguised as heaven.”

          There are various reasons behind this overuse of drugs. Some of which include family and personal problems. Many issues start arising and finally families break. Many people start taking drugs because of their personal and professional problems. Joblessness, poverty and social uselessness are also some of the reasons of drug addiction. Sometimes domestic violence and child abuse are the major reasons behind drug addiction. Unfortunately, drug addiction has penetrated into educational institutes. It has destroyed the life and future of young students.  They are well-aware of its ill effects but they cannot stop using it.

“Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction.” Edward Teller

Drug addiction is becoming life-threatening day by day. We have to take sound measures to eradicate this evil from the world. First of all, there should be complete ban on the sale of harmful drugs. The people who are involved in drug trafficking should be given severe punishment. There should be rehabilitation centers where drug addicts must be treated freely and carefully. Media should create awareness among people about the harmful effects of drugs and discourage the use of drugs. Thus we conclude that drug addiction is a crime and sickness as well.

Although the Chinese had used opium as a medicine, there was no widespread addiction before the British arrived. Robert Trout

Prof. Muhammad Masood Sadiq

M.A (Eng) M.A (EPM), Dip (TEFL)

Punjab Colleges Sialkot

On YouTube: “Learn English with Masood”

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